
Ceramic knife gate valve

陶瓷閥門 圓頂閥 特材閥門 鍛鋼球閥 襯氟閥門


郵 箱:sales@yj-v.com
手 機:13736713988
電 話:0577-67335288
地 址:浙江省溫州市永嘉縣瓯北街道安豐工業區舟山路雅金閥門


發布時間:2023-07-07 10:44:38人氣:247

Nominal diameter: DN15mm~DN1000mm (1/4 "~40")

Nominal pressure: PN1.0~2.5MPa (150~300Lb)

Applicable temperature: ≤ 200 ℃

Material: carbon steel, stainless steel, etc

Medium: coal, wastewater, mud, dirt, pulp, ash, etc

Widely used: mining, steel, purification equipment, papermaking, power, etc

Ceramic knife gate valve, also known as ceramic knife gate valve, ceramic wear-resistant knife gate valve, thin ceramic slag discharge valve, and thin ceramic slurry valve. Its opening and closing components are the gate, whose movement direction is perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, and the medium is cut off by a blade shaped gate that can cut fiber materials. The ceramic knife gate valve body actually does not have a cavity. The gate plate rises and falls in the side guide groove and is tightly pressed onto the valve seat by the bottom lug. If high medium sealing is required, an O-ring ceramic sealing valve seat can be selected to achieve bidirectional sealing. Adopting an ultra short structural length to save materials and reduce the overall weight of the pipeline system; It occupies small effective space and can effectively support the strength of pipelines, reduce pipeline vibration, and is suitable for installation at any angle on different pipeline layouts. Specially designed for medium pipelines under solid-liquid two-phase flow conditions, there are structural forms designed to resist throttling erosion, in order to meet the dual use function of shut-off or shut-off+throttling of such medium pipelines.

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